Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)

0812-701-5790 (Telkomsel) Marine Surveyor PT.Binaga Ocean Surveyor (BOS)
Marine Surveyor

Condition Survey AHTS. Ocean Unite

Condition Survey AHTS. Ocean Unite

Based on our inspection that the AHT. OCEAN UNITE is steel vessel of all steel welded construction with 2 (two) units Main propulsion 2 x YANMAR-6EY26 Diesel Engine 2600 HP each @750 Rpm.
The ship’s was built on the 2009 under classification of Germanischer Lloyd (GL) regulation.

Condition port and starboard shell plating were found generally in good condition.
The main engine, auxiliary engine and other machineries, deck machineries and ship’s outfitting were found in working order and well maintained.
All propulsion, main engine, auxiliary engine, deck machineries and other machineries, machineries indicators, instruments, panel control and ship’s outfitting were found in working order and well maintained.

All navigation and communication equipment such as GPS, SSB, marine VHF, echo sounder, compass, radar and etc. were found in operating order.

The safety equipments were available on board such as life buoy, life raft, life jackets and fire fighting appliances apparently in operating order.

Engine room, main switch board room, steering gear compartment and other machinery space, emergency escape/hatch way including its ladder and hatch cover were found well maintained and in good condition.

Generally the vessel’s freeboard was noted to be structurally in good condition.
Around the both side of hull was provided with half steel pipe fender and removable tire fenders where 10 (ten) tire fenders at Port and Starboard Side on main deck, 10 (ten) tire fender at  Port and Starboard Side on upper deck, 1(one) big tire fender at the bow and 2 (two) tire fender at the Stern. Each tire fender was connected by steel chain and fixed to the welded pad eyes at shell plate, the condition were noted in good condition.

The main deck structure and wooden flooring were found fully coated and good condition.
Port and starboard bulwarks with rescue zone marking, double bollards, panama cock on main deck as well as port and starboard side bulwark, double bollards and panama chock on upper deck were found in good condition. 1 (one) double bollard fitted on forward was also in good condition.

External deck house including rails, ladder, windows and deck structure found in good condition, engine exhaust funnel and ventilation were found in good condition as well.

Wheelhouse including forward and aft console, chair and the desk was found in good condition.
The top wheelhouse (Monkey Island) including mast light, rails and stairway were found in good condition.

The interior accommodation including cabins, galley, mess room, passageway and staircase appear in good condition.


§Name of the Vessel                      :         OCEAN UNITE
§Port Of Registry/Flag                    :         Singapore
§Type of vessel                             :         Anchor Handling Tug
§IMO Number                               :         9586540
§Call Sign                                     :         9 V 8 6 2 4
§Classification                               :         Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
§Built                                        :         2009 / PT. Nanindah Mutiara Shipyard  
§ Dimension                                 :         L X B X D      : 40.00 m x 11.40 m x 4.95 m
§Gross / Net Tonnage                   :         495 Tons / 149 Tons
§Main Engine                              :         2 x 2600HP @750 rpm, YANMAR - 6EY26
§Auxiliary Engine                        :         3 x 250KW Cummins Diesel NTA855-D(M)
§Bow Thruster                           :         HRP 3001TT/220KW–3 Tonnes thrust
§Fuel Oil Capacity                       :         450 Cu.M3
§Fuel Consumption                     :         16,900 Liter/24hrs
§Fresh Water Capacity                  :         80 Tons
§Bollard Pull                               :         65.50 Tons
§Towing/AH Winch                      :         75 Tons line pull @15m/minutes
                                                           2 x drum capacity 1000m x 52mm wire
§Tugger Winch                          :         2 x 10 Tons single drum
§Owner                                    :         Intone Pte Ltd

We obtained copy of available certificate on board and reviewed hat all certificate were valid stated hereunder :

Certificate Name
Certificate of Class
21st Sept. 2010
21st October 2015
International Tonnage Certificate  (1969)
20th May 2011
International Load Line Certificate
20th May 2011
21st October 2015
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
20th May 2011
21st October 2015
International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
February 16, 2011
21st October 2015
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
26th Sept. 2012
19th September 2015
International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
February 16, 2011
21st October 2015
International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
4th January 2011
21st October 2015
Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
22th June 2009
Minimum Safe Manning Document
Nov.08, 2010
Certificate Of Bollard Pull Test
04th Oct. 2010
Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships Conformance Test Report
Nov.04, 2012
Shore Based Maintenance Certificate
Aug.27, 2010
August 27, 2013
Voluntary Safety Management Certificate 
18th January 2012
27th June 2016
Document of Compliance
07th October 2011
17 March 2013
Certificate of Singapore Registry
19th October 2011


The vessel is equipped with the following navigation equipment :
§  Magnetic Compass                   : Daiko Keiki T-150B (1 set)
§  Replector Compass Daiko           : SR 150 PK Type (1 set)
§  Marine Radar                           : Furuno MDL-FR-1510 MARK3 (1 set)
§  Marine Radar                           : Furuno MDL 932 Mark-2 (1 set)
§  Echo Sounder                          : Furuno FE-700 (1 set)
§  GPS Navigator                         : Furuno GP -150 ( 1 set )
§  Doppler Speed Log                 : Furuno DS-800S (1 set)
§  AIS                                      : Furuno FA-1502 (1 set)
§  Marine Navtex                        : Furuno NT-1800 (1 set)
§  Weather Fax                          : Furuno FAX408 (1 set)
§  Wind Anemometer                 : Yound MDL-06206 (1 set)
§  Auto Pilot    Control               : Vector G2 Admiral (1 set)
§  Radio Telephone, DSC            : Furuno 8800S (2 set)
§  Inmarsat-C SSAS                   : Furuno Felcom 15 (2 set)
§  Inmarsat-C complete set            : Furuno Felcom 15 (2 set)
§  MH/HF SSB Radio                    : Furuno FS2570C ( 1 set )
§  Emergency VHF Radio               : Mac Murdo  ( 2 set )
§  Telephone  Satellite                  : Sailor SC400 ( 1 unit )
§  Portable VHF Marine                  : ICOM M72 (4 set)
§  SATCOM                                 : Skipper 150 (1 set)
§  EPIRB                                     : SEP-406 Mode (1 unit)
§  Joy Stick Pilot                          : Navis JP-3000 (1 set)
§  Handy Tolky GMDSS Radio         : Mcmurdo (3 unit)
§  Barometer                               : Barigo (1 set)
§  Clinometer                              : (2 set)
§  Sextant                                    : (1 set)
§  Anemoter Hand                        : (1 set)
§  Azimuth Circles                       : (1 set)
§  Navigation Light (AC/DC)            : (1 set)
§  Binoculars                                : (3 set)
§  Portable GPS                            : Garmin 72 (1 set)
All navigation equipment was reportedly in good operating order.

The vessel is equipped with the following equipment :
§                       Fire Man Outfit w/ Equipment                :         2  set
§                       Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher 4.5 kg        :         11 bottle
§                       Foam Fire Extinguisher 9 L                    :         2 bottle
§                       Water Fire Extinguisher 9 L                    :         5 bottle
§                       CO2 bottle Fire Extinguisher                  :         11 bottle
§                       CO2 Wheeled Fire Extinguisher 45 KG     : 1 bottle
§                       CO2 Release Station (manual control)     1.1 Kg : 2 station
§                       Fire Hydrant                    :         6 set
§                       Fire Blanket                    :         2 set
§  Line Throwing Appliance              :         4 pcs, valid date on March 2013
§  Smoke Signal                            :         2 pcs, valid date on March 2013
§  Hand Flares                               :         6 pcs, valid date on March 2013
§  Rocket Parachute Flares              :         12 pcs, valid date on March 2013
§  Inflatable Life raft  15 men          :         2 pcs
§  Life Buoy fitted with 30m life line :         4 pcs
§  Life Buoy fitted Self Igniting light :         2 pcs
§  Life Buoy fitted with Smoke Signal         :         2 pcs
§  Life Jacket                                     :         18 pcs.
All Firefighting, safety and live saving appliances were found in good condition.

 ENGINE ROOM & MACHINERIES on board the ahts ocean unite
Engine room, main switch board room, steering gear compartment and other machinery space appeared no leakage of any substantial liquid ( water / oil ), clean, tidy and noted to be in good condition. Emergency escape/hatch way including its ladder and hatch cover were found in good condition.

            Main Engine
        Vessel is powered by 2 x 1920 KW @ 750 rpm, YANMAR - 6EY26 Diesel Engine. Main engine were not tested during survey, but reportedly according to the Chief Engineer that both engine are in good operating and working order.
            Auxiliary Engine
The vessel is equipped with 3 x 250 KW Cummins NTA855-D9M) type as auxiliary engines generator were noted in working order.
         Main and Emergency electric switchboard were provided as a panel which contains switches and electric power instrument.        

Other machinery such bow thruster, fixed water fire (Fi-Fi) pump, fire pump, bilge/ballast pump, GS /Fire pump, fuel oil pump, oily water separator, hydraulic power pack, steering gear pump, air compressor, oil purifier, ventilation fan and other machinery appeared well maintained and reportedly were in good operation and working order.

DECK & DECK MACHINERIES on board ahts ocean unite
Wheelhouse Top / Monkey Island
Top wheelhouse structure was found in good condition. Navigation mast found in good condition. Hand railing and stairway were found in good condition.

Bridge Deck
The bridge deck structure, flooring, stair and railing were found good condition.

Main Deck
The main deck structure including, wooden flooring, bulwark generally were found well maintained and noted in good condition.

Tank air vent, filling and sounding pipe on main deck well marked and appeared in good condition.

During this survey, the vessel’s hull above water line appeared in good condition, were no apparent indents, cracked section, blisters or other apparent damage to the hull.
Port and starboard sides outer shell plating above waterline found fully coated and in good condition.

Around the both side of hull was provided with half steel pipe fender and removable tire fenders where 10 (ten) tire fenders at Port and Starboard Side on main deck, 10 (ten) tire fender at  Port and Starboard Side on upper deck, 1(one) big tire fender at the bow and 2 (two) tire fender at the Stern. Each tire fender was connected  by steel chain and fixed to the welded pad eyes to shell plate, the condition were noted in good condition.

Deck House/Super Structure
The vessel’s deck house/super structure including bulwark, railing, stairs were generally well maintained and appeared in good condition.
Wheelhouse, Interior accommodation, galley mess room, cabin, passageway including staircase were well maintained and generally in good condition

Deck Machineries
Provision crane, davits, AHT winch, shark jaw, towing pin, tugger winch, anchor winch, stern roller and other ship’s outfitting such as bollard, panama chock and capstans appeared well maintained and reportedly were in good operation and working order.

Our Scope of Service
Marine Surveyor & Inspection Services, Bunker Survey, On Hire Survey, Off Hire Survey, Condition Survey, Stuffing Survey, Loading Survey, Damaged Survey, Discharging Survey, P&I Survey, Towing & Lashing Survey, On Hire ROB and Condition Survey, Towing Approval Survey, Free Gas Survey, the vanning survey report, towing approval survey and much more

In case you have order for marine survey please do not hesitate to contact us on below communication addressed :
PT. Binaga Ocean Surveyor
Kabil Industrial Estate
Ruko CNN Blok D3 No. 3
Batu Besar, Nongsa, Kabil, Batam, Indonesia
Telephone/Hand-phone : +628127015790 / 08117775790
Email 1 :
Email 2 :
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